06.18.2021 | Moving

Thinking of Downsizing? Here Are Some Tips for Doing it Right.

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Are you considering a move into a smaller space? Maybe you’re a couple or a single parent with kids who have left home. Perhaps you’re looking to trim your monthly budget, or you’re just hoping to simplify your life. Whatever your reasons for downsizing, it can come with some challenges. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make the process as low-stress as possible.

Here are a few quick tips for downsizing the right way…

Declutter thoroughly

Clutter takes a lot more time to get rid of than most homeowners think. From the basement furniture you never use to the clothing you rarely wear, things have a way of piling up. The key to paring down your belongings (without losing your mind) is to give yourself lots of time. Start weeks or even months ahead of your move, going room by room. Be sure to look into non-profits that will accept donations early on, too.

Break out the measuring tape

It’s an often-overlooked aspect of downsizing. A smaller space may not accommodate your existing furniture. Even if it does, moving from a house to a condo can mean saying hello to narrow hallways and staircases. To ensure that any pieces you want to bring with you will fit, make sure you measure everything. That means your furniture, your new space, and any passageways you’ll have to navigate.

Consider internal storage

Living in a smaller home shouldn’t mean tolerating cramped surroundings. One of the easiest ways to keep things organized is with space-saving furniture and decor. There’s no shortage of items that contain internal storage, from ottomans that open up to beds that have drawers. Adopting a few of these sleek pieces can help you make the most of your square footage.

Utilize your wall space

Looking for additional storage? Many condo owners opt to use their walls. If you have a bike, it can easily be affixed up high to stay out of the way until you need it. Floating shelves are an elegant way to store pretty much anything—and if they’re installed right, they’re relatively easy to remove. You may also want to consider hanging a couple of pieces of statement art in strategic places.

Stay positive

Downsizing isn’t a welcome event for everybody, but it can certainly be a positive one. It represents a fresh start and an opportunity to leave past baggage behind. This is your chance to live in a less chaotic space—one that’s decorated exactly to your taste. Make sure you embrace the opportunity!

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