09.09.2020 | Moving

7 Things To Do Once You’ve Moved In

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As moving day approaches, many homeowners start imagining how they’ll lay out their furniture. They keep their eyes open for new decor, and consider the flowers they might plant in the backyard or on the balcony. While envisioning how these details will come together can be a lot of fun, thinking through the logistics of your move is just as important. To ensure your transition goes smoothly, you’ll want to ensure that you tackle all of these specifics.

Here are some of the earliest steps you’ll want to take once the moving truck is out sight…

Change the locks

Unless the home you’ve purchased is brand new, there’s no way of knowing who might have a spare key. That’s why it’s a good idea to be on the safe side—which means changing your locks. For your own peace of mind, this is one step you’ll want to take sooner rather than later.

Set up your WiFi

There are few things as annoying as being without WiFi, especially if your phone plan doesn’t give you much data. That’s why getting connected should be high on your list of priorities. In other words: grab the router, modem, and ethernet cables—and put aside some time to get set up.

Check the smoke detectors

It’s easy to forget, but making sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors work is crucial. Ideally, you should test every device in your home before you spend a night there. Try to have some batteries on hand in case they need to be changed!

Do a deep clean

No matter how much cleaning the previous owners did, there’s bound to be some dust and grime hiding in your new digs. From the bathtub, showers, and sinks to the insides of the kitchen cabinets, there’s no shortage of spots you’ll want to tackle. To make things easier, make a list of the supplies you’ll need—and buy them right away.

Child-proof your space

If you have little ones, one of the first things you’ll want to do is kid-proof your new space. Start by setting up any gates that you may have used in your previous home to block off stairs or hazardous areas. Be aware of low countertops, unsecured cupboards, and unprotected electrical outlets. Remember that you can’t be too thorough when it comes to keeping your kids out of harm’s way.

Get familiar

Your property won’t truly feel like your own until you know it—inside and out. Where are your electrical panels? What about the furnace? If there’s a crawl space or attic, have you been inside? Knowing how to access every part of your home can help ensure that you’re ready to take care of any issues that might arise.

Tie up loose ends

Despite all your preparations, there will almost certainly be a few things you forget to do before you move. Switching over the utilities is a common one, as is ensuring that every service provider who needs your new address has it. If the home you’re moving into is a condo, you might also need to set up your buzzer system—and introduce yourself to the property manager and concierge.

Securing the right property is a journey, and so is making it a home. By taking care of the logistics as early on as possible, you can ensure that your transition is as smooth as possible!

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