01.10.2019 | Selling A Home

Staging Before You Sell: 5 Reasons It’s Worthwhile

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Are you wondering whether to stage your home before you sell it? The truth is, almost every property could use some sprucing up before it hits the market. From a fresh coat of paint to the right pieces of furniture and decor, a bit of strategic design can go a long way towards attracting potential buyers. Fortunately, by working with a real estate team that has staging expertise, you can ensure that your home makes a fantastic first impression.

If you’re getting ready to sell your home, here are five reasons you should consider having it staged first…

1) It can generate more interest

Staging is meant to ignite a spark of interest in as many buyers as possible. Achieving this outcome means seeing beyond personal design preferences to appeal to a variety of tastes. By using a warm-yet-neutral colour palette and elegant, modern decor, an experienced staging professional will do just that. Of course, it’s impossible to please everybody. But with the right combination of stylish elements, you can significantly broaden the buyer pool.

Looking for decor ideas before you sell? These recent posts will help trigger your creativity:


2) It helps buyers see your property as theirs

When you’re selling your home, it’s important to not only catch but hold the attention of buyers. The best way to do that is by helping them envision your living space as their own. By embracing a blank-slate aesthetic, stagers make it easier for home hunters to envision their personal possessions in the rooms they’re viewing. Simple, uncluttered design and subdued hues for your walls can help achieve this effect.

3) Staging is aspirational

Have you ever picked up a home decor or design magazine and fallen in love with the images inside? These stunning photos make us think about the lifestyles we aspire to achieve. The same principle is at work when you stage. By presenting the best possible version of your home, you make buyers want to host dinner parties in your kitchen, unwind in your living room, and lounge in your beautiful backyard.

4) It highlights your home’s best features

Every home has features that make buyers sit up and take note. It could be an open-concept layout, an abundance of natural light, or elegant interior archways. Fortunately, a professional with staging expertise will recognize these qualities—and call attention to them. They’ll draw the eye to those impressive features, giving your home that “wow” factor buyers are seeking.

5) A quicker sale

If you need more proof that staging is worthwhile, consider this. A study from the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) found that staged homes spent 23 days on the market, while those that didn’t undergo the same treatment sold in 184. Agents know from experience that preparing and styling a living space can also lead to a significantly better sale price.

To see just how big the difference can be, check out this recent sale carried out by the Erica Reddy team. Staging contributed directly to a $30,000 premium. What more could a seller ask for?

Interested in learning more about staging your home to sell? Get in touch today—we’d love to answer any questions you may have!

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